Positive Affect Facilitates Creative Problem Solving
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
1987. Vol. 52. No. 6,'1122-1131
Alice M. Isen (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
Kimberly A. Daubman (University of Maryland College Park)
Gary P. Nowicki (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
Four experiments indicated that positive affect, induced by means of seeing a few minutes of a comedy film or by means of receiving a small bag of candy, improved performance on two tasks that are generally regarded as requiring creative ingenuity: Duncker's (1945) candle task and M. T. Mednick, S. A. Mednick, and E. V. Mednick's (1964) Remote Associates Test. One condition in which negative affect was induced and two in which subjects engaged in physical exercise (intended to represent atfectless arousal) failed to produce comparable improvements in creative performance. The influence of positive affect on creativity was discussed in terms of a broader theory of the impact of positive affect on cognitive organization.
Weitere Studien zu diesem Thema nennen auch Julia K. Boehm und Sonja Lyubomisky von der University of California, Riverside in ihrem Artikel: